Oh, Susannah Blog — gift student college call mom
How to Help Your High School Graduate Adjust to College Life?
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So, your little baby is growing up and getting ready to fly the nest, huh? High school is over and college life beckons. It's an exciting time filled with new experiences, independence, and the occasional bout of homesickness. But fear not, dear parent, for I am here to guide you through the process of successfully transitioning your high school graduate to college life. Preparing for College: Congrats! Your high school graduate is all set to embark on the exciting journey of college life. But as a parent, it's only natural to worry about how they will navigate this new chapter....
Heartwarming Wedding Anniversary Gifts
anniversary gift Couples Gifts gift student college call mom holiday throw pillows wedding

A wedding anniversary is the perfect time to remember the joy and love that you've shared together for years. There are many ways to appreciate and celebrate this special day. Spend your Anniversary at Home You can spend your time celebrating your anniversary at home. You can spend the evening by cooking special food for the both of you. Pop popcorn and watch Netflix or you could spend the evening without technology and just talk to learn more about each other. Both of you could also play a romantic game or surprise him/her a breakfast in bed. It's up to...
Don't Forget to Call Mom

As we enter a new chapter in our life, like moving to a new place or entering college perhaps, we tend to forget to call our mom when we are away from home. We may sometimes say our mother is annoying, noisy and always scolding us. Truth is, we miss that noise. And it's good to miss because we know that behind her scolds and lectures, are the love and care she has for us. It is not easy for students who are apart from their mother. Especially, when the strings of love and care are greatly attached to them. There...
A Simple Reminder May Just be the Perfect Gift
anniversary gift Couples Gifts gift student college call mom wedding

It has happened a couple of times before, it’s the time of year when your favorite couples are celebrating their anniversary...what could be a perfect gift? The same thing happened during Christmas seasons in the past when you told yourself, “I could’ve given something better this year!” No matter what the occasion is, be it a wedding, an engagement or “just because”; we always want our gifts to be memorable to them, right? And yeah, the “perfect couple” could be you and your partner; in this case, the struggle is real! It’s a fact that even the most ideal couple...