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Oh, Susannah Blog

Heartwarming Wedding Anniversary Gifts

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Heartwarming Wedding Anniversary Gifts

 A wedding anniversary is the perfect time to remember the joy and love that you've shared together for years. There are many ways to appreciate and celebrate this special day.  Spend your Anniversary at Home You can spend your time celebrating your anniversary at home. You can spend the evening by cooking special food for the both of you. Pop popcorn and watch Netflix or you could spend the evening without technology and just talk to learn more about each other. Both of you could also play a romantic game or surprise him/her a breakfast in bed. It's up to...

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How to Spend Your Time This Spring Break

How to Spend Your Time This Spring Break

Spring break is a great time for family bonding. When we think about spring break, people usually think of beaches or travel somewhere to enjoy the weather. Spring break is the time to relax and chill, but not for the kids. Kids are hyper and need an activity to do especially during spring. If we talk about kids we always want them to be happy as they grow up. As parents, we should take advantage of the sunny weather to have some activities which both parent and child can really enjoy. If going out of town is out of budget for this...

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National Pet Day: A Day to Celebrate with our Special Friends!

National Pet Day: A Day to Celebrate with our Special Friends!

Today, April 11, 2017, is the National Pet Day, a special day for all the pets and pet lovers in the world. This is the day when we give thanks to every pet that gives happiness to thousand of people all over the world. There are a lot of ways on how we should celebrate this day whether we already have a pet or not. Below is the list of ways of how we could celebrate this special day with our special friends. Help the pets who are in shelters Visiting pet shelters and take supplies for those pets who needs special love....

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Hello, Mate; Hello, Dog Lovers!

Hello, Mate; Hello, Dog Lovers!

Are you looking for a gift that is something personalized for a dog lover? We always have that one friend or family member that loves their dogs more than human. Well, we can't blame them dogs are super adorable. Dogs are not labeled as man's best friends just for nothing. Dogs can be our family, friends or even our mood maker. No matter what happens, dogs always give us unconditional love in every moment of our life. Not to mention that dogs are one of the most loyal creatures in this world. No wonder dogs are being loved around the...

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Capturing Moments: Swaddle Blankets as Photo Prop

Capturing Moments: Swaddle Blankets as Photo Prop

Baby photography popular thing to do when you have your newborn child. This isn't just typical photography though. This type of photography is great when your infant is less than 2 weeks old. As parents, we need to capture the memories of our swaddling babies, as they snuggle and cuddle in those warm swaddle blankets. Age Matters Generally, baby’s age can affect what are the different types of poses or position you want them to portray. Younger babies are much easier to do curl position than older babies also, younger babies don't mind if they have clothes on because they will always...

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